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Universidad de Chile
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Universidad de Chile
Envíos recientes
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Universidad de Chile: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 321-330 de 894
Pedagogical Project, An Agreement from the Perspective of the Institute of Contract Law
Klotz Fayad, Anelize
Structural problems of the accreditation of higher education in Chile: 2006-2012
Barroilhet, Agustín
Legal education and democractic education in Latin America: Student-run law reviews, the comparative experience and an Argentine case study, Lecciones y Ensayos magazine
Kenny, Patricio Enrique
Lawyers graduated at the universidad metropolitana 2006-2016. Study of a professional cohort in times of revolution
Capriles, Victoria; Pérez Perdomo, Rogelio
The teaching of law aimed at the development of creativity
Camilloni, Alicia
Popular legal education and human rights: the case of the law school to the settlers the land reform
Batista de Azevedo, Joseane
Teaching and learning of metacognitive strategies as a posibility for the Law teaching
de Mello Massimino, Daniel; Colombo, Silvana
The importance of human rights of discipline in the formation of law professionals: human rights are not for human rights only, but for all human
Verdan Rangel, Tauã Lima
Reflexions on Legal Education and Emancipation in Brazil: bibliographic dialogues between law and education
Joppert Swensson Jr, Lauro
The current state of the (re) alterity construction as category theory-practice and the contribution of highter education
Celestino, Ada Augusta; Limeira Santos, Kátia Maria; Menezes Trindade Silva, Soane Maria Santos; Carvalho Machado, Márcia Alves
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