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España: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 21-30 de 702
La restitución de menores retenidos ilícitamente en España y la excepción de grave riesgo a la luz de la sentencia de la Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona de 6 de octubre de 2020
Sabido Rodríguez, Mercedes
Un buen instrumento para la tutela del crédito que suscita no pocos problemas prácticos: el proceso europeo de escasa cuantía
Sigüenza López, Julio
Some observations on the Uncitral draft convention on judicial sale of ships
Rodríguez Delgado, Juan Pablo
Return of minors and European public order: the Bosphorus doctrine of equivalent protection
Ballesteros Barros, Ángel María
Hadana, guardianship and child protection in Moroccan Family Law from Spanish public order
Argelich Comelles, Cristina
Comparative analysis of the german and Spanish property registries: would a European common property register be possible?
Horvath, Alena Veronica; Pérez Velázquez, Juan Pablo
The European pillar of social rights and the plan of action: at last, the European social model?
Bernal Santamaría , Francisca
Factual situation and international legal dispute. Reflexions on ECJ 3 June 2021, C-280/20, Republika Bulgaria
Carrascosa González, Javier
Council Directive 93/13/EEC on unfair terms and its development by the Court of Justice of the European Union. Contributions to the construction of a protective discipline and open questions
Carballo Fidalgo, Marta
Reflexiones sobre el alcance territorial del derecho al olvido
Torralba, Elisa
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